How Does Globalization Impact Poverty?


During the last three decades, the world has been transformed in its economic structures and the relationships among economies have been enormously intensified. This process is well known as globalization, which implies the participation of almost all the economies in the world. The globalization process has been observed through the reduction of costs of transportation and communication, particularly with the enormous development in computers and internet, and the reduction of man-made barriers to goods, people, capital, ideas and knowledge (Stiglitz, J., 2008). Pro-globalization perspective has promised to offer lots of recompenses and opportunities, especially to developing countries. Nowadays, the topic about globalization and its effects in poor people around the world is a hot topic in international development. There is still a wide discussion about the net impacts on poverty founded on the recent experience, which has shown that this process produces winners and losers depending on the specific characteristics of a country and its insertion to the global economy.

I will focus on the positive effects of globalization on poverty and show some evidence that endorse some optimistic outlooks, because only with a more wide-ranging investigation all the aspects, experiences and different point of views could be explored. Definitely, the general trend indicates that the objective of poverty reduction of the Millennium Development Goals could be reached by 2015, when the World’s poverty rate will fall below 15%, much less than the 23% established as a goal at the beginning of the 21th Century, even though the very big amount of this reduction has been gotten because of the rapid economic growth in China, while others countries and regions have remained stagnated (United Nations, 2011). Generally, most globalization aspects have positive impacts on poverty, such as the growth of exports and the flows of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), the flows of capitals and the labor mobility among countries, and the huge improvements in information, knowledge diffusion and institutions that globalization promotes.
Academic Writing 5D @IALC@WSU. Summer 2011
My first paper written in English, that certify I can speak/write "Americano" :) Lol
